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Here in the Middle East next to Europe

by Daniel Amarilio

Here in the Middle East next to Europe
The sunset doesn’t give birth to the sunshine
Here in the Middle East next to Europe
The sunset gives birth only to hatred

Here in the Middle East next to Europe
The dead are exchanged for the living
Three skeletons, for 400 shahids
Justice against unjustice

The skeletons in wooden coffins
The Living in luxury buses
Preceded by legions of honor:
The U.N., the Red Cross.
Here the wolf is a hyena
Here the sheep is a wolf

Here in the Middle East next to Europe
Pupils with backpacks
Don’t sit in front of the blackboard -
They lay in the morgue-
Silent and severe
In front of a pathologist, who shed no tears
As he cuts up their little bodies
Killed in the name of the Prophet
And his seventy virgins
Here God is not Great
Here Allah is not El Akbar

Here in the Middle East next to Europe
The flies are headless
The West has no East
The compasses lie- leading us nowhere

Ships don’t see Ararat
With no people, nor animals in them
Ships full of shahids
The Messiah won’t revive them

Here in the Middle East next to Europe
The Earth is full with black gold
With millions of extended hands
Begging for mercy, bread and water-
A horrible human swamp

Here in the Middle East next to Europe
The sunset doesn’t give birth to the sunshine
The sunset gives birth only to hatred
Here God is not great.

Daniel Amarilio

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Globalization? - Yes, but completely different from common expectations


Copyright © 2000-2003 Daniel Amarilio
Maps courtesy of www.theodora.com/maps used with permission.

Charter for poverty eradication all around the world
If God gives me a small piece of life
It is so easy to defeat poverty in this world
Financial aid actually perpetuates the misery
Bush and the huns
Commercial relations with the poor countries
Tony Blair is right - Responsibility before generations
The Politicians and Militaries pour tea into our coffees and make us eat their “salad”
The democracy becomes demoncracy in democratic way
The most simple and effective formula to defeat poverty and strengthening of peace and democracy in this world
The poverty in the world increases thanks to the following wrong formula
The rich people must confer in hovels in the poor contries. In stead of living like the native population

The Euro Market
Global Development Gateway
Global Economic Cooperation and Development
Global Consortium gioventu digitale
Global Poor Peoples Cities Councils
Global Economy Geography and Social Statistics
Global Web Site to the World
Global One World
Global International Public Library
Global Health
Educational And Cultural Affaires
Free Lotto and Lotteries
United nations